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Why did I choose EgyFWD udacity digital marketing and why you should?

 As a pharmacist I graudated from Nahda university of pharmaceutical sciences with lots of dreams and hope to work in the pharmaceutical field. But as a pharmacist I found that my job was not a high-paying job so I kept searching for a side job (or an online job to do in my leisure time) ●After graduation I faced more challenging bumps and tasks in the practical world and it was frustrating for me to get a job as a fresh graduate without any skills or experience at all. ●And because of the upcoming and demanding challenges that were in front of my face whenever I searched for a job I asked many of my collegues and friends about how to start on the road of practical world and what should I learn and what experience to aquire to increase my chances of getting a high-salary jobs. ●I first went after improving my technical and personal skills through courses and one of the best courses I've ever seen in my life are the courses provided by udacity with collaboration with Egypt ministery

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